Company Registration Service Plan
一、公司注册的目的 Why you should register your business
1. 合法存在,依法保障权益独特身份
Legal existence and protected unique identity
2. 保护自然人免受个人责任
To protect a natural person from personal liability
3. 满足市场合规和政府监管的要求。
1. 开立香港银行账户,无外汇管制。收美金、欧元不再难。跨国转账速度快,实时到账,不再是难题,银行无需核验业务单据,直接入账,盈科 外服协助你告别复杂流程。
Open HongKong bank account, no foreign exchange control, easy entry of US dollars and euros. Fast cross-border transfer, real-time receipt. The bank does not need to verify the business documents, directly enter them into the account and bid farewell to the complex process.
2. 税种少,税率低,无增值税,企业所得税率低至 8 %利润不来源于香港,盈科外服可协助申请海外利得豁免,终生免税,每年仅需申报一次税务,无需复杂流程。
There are few taxes, low tax rate, no value-added tax, and the enterprise income tax rate is as low as 8%. If the profits do not come from Hong Kong, you can apply for exemption from overseas profits, life-long tax exemption, tax declaration only once a year, without complicated process.
3. 方便公司打理。香港距中国大陆较近,方便国内外均有公司的商业人士打理公司。
Convenience: Hongkong is closer to mainland China, which makes it convenient for business people at home and abroad to take care of the company.
4. 通过Yingke盈科外服进行打理,每年维护成本低,仅需办理年审即可无需在香港租赁办公室,无需雇员无需每月申报税务,一年一次即可。
The annual maintenance cost is low, and only the annual review is required. There is no need to rent an office in Hong Kong, no need for employees, no need to declare tax every month, declare tax only once a year.
5. 与国际接轨。可打上国际品牌,体现产品在全球的实力。起名自由,“国际、全球、中国、中华”等字眼的公司均可注册,也可通过盈 科外服Yingke设立非盈利组织机构,协会、促进会、联合会均可注册。
Connect with the world, build an international brand, and reflect the global strength of products. Companies with the words "international, global, China" can be registered, and non-profit organizations, associations, promotion associations and federations can be registered.
6. 香港公司投资内地,内地公司可享有税收优惠,设立中外合资公司,可享有当地政府的项目资金扶持,详询盈科Yingke外服。
When Hong Kong companies invest in the mainland, the mainland companies can enjoy preferential tax policies, set up Sino foreign joint ventures, and enjoy the project fund support of the local government.
三、盈科外服香港公司设立服务内容 Service Content
1. 信息咨询;
Information consultation;
2. 检查公司注册名称的可行性;
Check the feasibility of the company's registered name;
3. 咨询寻找或提供注册公司地址(可考虑使用盈科办公室);
Consult the company to find find or provide registered company address;
4. 准备申请营业执照的必要文件;
Prepare the necessary documents for applying for business license;
5. 向政府机关提交资料及跟进处理流程;
Submit information and process to government agencies;
6. 刻公司公章;
engraved company official seal;
7. 重要控制人登记(SCR备案);
Registration and Recording service for actual controllers holding more than 25% share;
8. 公司水牌制作;
Make company signboard;
9. 咨询电子发票。
Consult an electronic invoice.
四、盈科外服其他服务 Other Services
1.海外 税务/财务服务:税务结算,税务估算,审计等
Tax / financial services: tax settlement, tax estimation, audit, etc
2. 海内外 签证和人力资源服务
Visa and human resources services
3. 海外 公证认证和知识产权
Notarization and intellectual property
4. 海外 商务服务:市场调查、市场考察等
Business services: Market Research, market research, etc